Techno Fattie

Josh Carroll

How Do I Show A Loading Indicator In Angular?

It's a question I run into a lot actually.

To be fair, there are a million different types of loading indicators and ways to use them, but most often, developers are looking for a simple solution. They need a little spinner next to a label... or inside a button.

Again, nothing fancy, but it does need to be flexible.

In it's simplest form, a loading indicator can be accomplished in Angular with a combination of ng-show and a simple boolean field on your controller.

Using Bootstrap and Font Awesome classes the markup might look something like this:

<!-- simple spinning cog icon -->
<i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin ng-hide" ng-show="ctrl.isBusy"></i>

And here is an example of using it inside a button

Making It Modular

This isn't exactly earth shattering code I know, but if you pepper this little snippet of code all over the place, it's going to suck to make changes in the future. This is a great place to introduce a directive to encapsulate our little spinner.

function Spinner(){
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    template: '<i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin ng-hide" ng-show="show"></i>',
    scope: {
      show: '='

  .directive('spinner', Spinner);

That's about as simple as we can possible make this thing. It doesn't even need a link function because we are using isolate scope to pull in our property to use with ng-show.

Using this in code becomes pretty trivial:

<!-- so easy! -->
<spinner ng-show="ctrl.isBusy" />

And of course here is our live example using the directive this time... view source if you don't believe me.

Making It Useful

This simple little spinner might be good for a demo, but what happens if your call is really fast? Say less than 200ms?

See for yourself...

That little blip is pretty annoying. A real production spinner should take into account some sort of delay, and preferably this would be something we could configure right in the directive.

Modifying our existing directive to account for a delay is certainly more code, but also not terribly complicated. All we need to do is $watch for changes to the boolean, and then take advantage of Angular's built in $timeout service to ensure we honor the delay time. If the value flips from true to false before the timer kicks in, we simply cancel it.

Putting this all together, here is what our modified spinner directive ends up looking like:

function SpinnerDirective($timeout) {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    template: '<i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i>',
    scope: {
      show: '=',
      delay: '@'
    link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
      var showTimer;

      //This is where all the magic happens!
      // Whenever the scope variable updates we simply
      // show if it evaluates to 'true' and hide if 'false'
      scope.$watch('show', function(newVal){
        newVal ? showSpinner() : hideSpinner();

      function showSpinner() {
        //If showing is already in progress just wait
        if (showTimer) return;

        //Set up a timeout based on our configured delay to show
        // the element (our spinner)
        showTimer = $timeout(showElement.bind(this, true), getDelay());

      function hideSpinner() {
        //This is important. If the timer is in progress
        // we need to cancel it to ensure everything stays
        // in sync.
        if (showTimer) {

        showTimer = null;


      function showElement(show) {
        show ? elem.css({display:''}) : elem.css({display:'none'});

      function getDelay() {
        var delay = parseInt(scope.delay);

        return isNaN(delay) ? 200 : delay;

And of course, a live example of using the directive with both fast and slow calls.


As you can see, the spinner only shows up after the default 200ms and this is something that can be overriden using the delay attribute in the directive.

That's pretty much all there is to it!

Happy coding, and feel free to use this spinner however you want.

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