Techno Fattie

Josh Carroll

It's no doubt Angular is an awesome framework for building modern web applications. Loading tiny bits of HTML and JSON can be amazingly fast, and SPA's are a great way to give your users a snappy UI without the overbearing page refresh of traditional server-side rendering.


Occasionally you need to load more than a little data, and that can present some unfortunate usability issues in your application. The good news is that Angular gives us all the tools we need to solve these issues easily, but first let's look at some common problems.

Hurry Up And Wait!

It's pretty reasonable for a controller to do some initialization to load data from the server, but sometimes this can result in what I like to call the Fast Route, Slow Controller problem. This is where the primary data needed for the view loads slowly, and the user is left staring at an uninitialized view, wondering if something went wrong.

Imagine we have a simple controller that loads some data and displays it in a table:

var SlowCtrl = function(slowDataService){
  this.slowDataService = slowDataService;

angular.extend(SlowCtrl.prototype, {
    var _this = this;

        _this.contacts = contacts;

Using this controller in one of our routes would result in a fast route change, but a there will be a long, uncomfortable lag time waiting for the data to load.

See it in action

As you can see, the view loads up pretty quickly, but then we are stuck waiting a long time for the data to load.

You may already be thinking that using the resolve property on a route is a good way to solve this issue by letting Angular load all the data before showing the view. This certainly puts us on the right track, but leads to our second most common problem, Slow Route, Fast Controller.

Is Something Supposed To Be Happening?

If we move our slow call to a resolve in our route definition like this:

.when('/route1', {
      resolve: {
        //Don't do this in a real app, instead
        // use an object that encapsulates this
        contacts: ['slowDataService', function(slowDataService){
          return slowDataService.getContacts();

//Now controller has access to contacts on load
var SlowCtrl = function(contacts){
  this.contacts = contacts;

Then we can ensure the data is loaded before our controller is instantiated, and the view loaded into the DOM. The issue is that now the painful lag has simply been moved to our route changing, which leaves users wondering if they clicked the button or not.

See it in action

Directives To The Rescue!

The good news is we can fix this with a simple directive. Angular has a number of built in events that is publishes using the $scope service that you can register handlers with. It just so happens that the built in $routeProvider publishes three different events during routing.




By tapping into these events, we can use a directive to hide/show some kind of loading indicator while waiting on our views to load.

var routeLoadingIndicator = function($rootScope){
  return {
    template:"<h1 ng-if='isRouteLoading'>Loading...</h1>",
    link:function(scope, elem, attrs){
      scope.isRouteLoading = false;

      $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(){
        scope.isRouteLoading = true;

      $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function(){
        scope.isRouteLoading = false;

Now when we can simply drop this directive into our markup somewhere outside our ng-view and we can give the user immediate feedback that something is happening by showing the loading indicator. Also, since we publish the state out to scope, we can use that to hide any existing view while we wait for the new one to load.

<route-loading-indicator />

<div ng-if='!isRouteLoading' ng-view></div>

See it in action


Long load times in between AJAX requests can lead to an awkward user experience, leaving the user unsure if the application is actually doing anything. Angular makes it easy to handle these scenarios using directives.

Using these techniques you can customize the loading experience to suit your needs. Here is an example using spin.js and a few animations to create an interesting transition.

Live Demo

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