Techno Fattie

Josh Carroll

Everybody is doing JavaScript these days

But considering the barrier to entry is so low, it can be enormously difficult to gauge a persons skill by simply asking them. This is a particularly difficult problem when conducting an interview.

For those whose native language is not JavaScript, they might say they really know it well, when in fact they only know a little bit of jQuery. For those who have only ever done JS, they might rate themselves much lower than the former crowd, when in fact they could code circles around them in JavaScript.

What you need is a barometer

A way to very quickly determine just how in depth a candidates knowledge of JavaScript goes.

Does such a magical question exist?

Well... there is obviously no silver bullet, but I think this little 10 line snippet comes pretty close. Look it over, and I'll explain why I think it works.

What does the following code do? And why?

falseStr = "false";

  var falseStr;

   console.log("false" == true);
   console.log("false" == false);

No Peeking!

Do you know the answer?

Do you know why?

When the above script is executed it will actually print out the following:


JavaScript is weird man

If you didn't already know the answer did it surprise you?

This is a deceptively simple question, but there are four very fundamental concepts being demonstrated in this tiny example.

Hoisting and Scoping

Hoisting is one of the more esoteric and tricky aspects of JavaScript, but important to understand nonetheless. It dictates how your code will actually be interpreted by the compiler and executed. Variable, and function definitions will all get pulled up to the top of their respective scope before their assignments.

This means that the above code will actually be interpreted like this:

var falseStr;
falseStr = "false";

  //var moved to top

Without that tidbit of knowledge you might be inclined to think that falseStr starts off as a global variable and then gets redefined within the first if block.

The second concept important to understanding this is that JavaScript doesn't have block level scope, it has function level scope. So despite the var falseStr; appearing inside an if block, it is scoped outside of that block to either the containing function, or in this case, the global scope.

Type Coercion: Boolean Expressions

Type Coercion is a feature of JavaScript, and one that people talk about in almost mystical terms... as though the rules for boolean expressions and comparisons were not well known, but rather mysterious and subject to the whims of the runtime on any particular day.

The truth is (no pun intended) that the rules are well known, and documented for anybody who cares to read them.

A boolean expression is coerced into a boolean value using a system level function that has explicit rules for what will evaluate to true and false. This is what is called truthy and falsey values in JavaScript.

//truthy values
var truthyValues = [true, 1, "nonEmptyString", [], {name:'Just an object'}];

//falsey values
var falseyValues = [false, 0, "", null, undefined];

If we were to explicitly convert our variable to a Boolean, you would see that the non-empty string converts to true.

var falseStr = "false";


Type Coercion: Loose Comparison

However, when doing a comparison using double equals (==) then the rules are slightly different. If you want to know all the rules you can read about them here, but for our purposes you only need to know that when JavaScript does a loose comparison on a Boolean and a String, it attempts to convert them both to a Number before doing a strict comparison.

If we rewrite the code snippet to be explicit, then it makes complete sense why both comparisons fail.

console.log(Number("false") == Number(true));
//console.log(NaN == 1);

console.log(Number("false") == Number(false));
//console.log(NaN == 0);

Clearly NaN does not equal 1, and NaN also does not equal 0.

Just Use === You Idiot!

It's true that always using strict comparison would allow you to avoid the aforementioned headaches, but this is about why. The reason Douglas Crockford put this rule into JSLint is because he understands the rules.

If you can't explain why you always use strict equality comparison then you are guilty of cargo cult programming.

You are an @#%&!

At this point you may be thinking I'm just a big jerk who likes to throw tricky questions at candidates just to make them feel bad and make myself look smart.

That's a fair criticism, but unfounded. I would never use a question like this to base a hiring decision off of, but if a candidate tells me they are an 8 in JavaScript... then they should be able to nail this question. It's meant to be a quick calibration of depth of knowledge in the JavaScript language. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I would also never ask this question without first explaining what the intent was. It's meant to be a starting point for a conversation, not a pass/fail gatekeeper.


I like it because although the code is tricky, it's still simple enough that you don't have to stare at it for twenty minutes trying to figure out what it does.

I like it because it covers some core language features that are important for anybody doing heavy JavaScript programming. It's not exhaustive, but it is deep enough that if you nail it, there is a good chance you have taken the time to really study the language.

You may think questions like this are gimmicky, but I can guarantee if you are interviewing someone and they nail this question, then they have done more than just written a few lines of jQuery.

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